Vital Download Guide

The VITAL 7-Point Guide to 4D Cleaning

An expert approach to clear, healthier buildings

The COVID pandemic raises questions about what "clean" and "healthy" actually mean when applied to buildings and workplaces. 

How can employees, residents and visitors feel safe inside their buildings? Are traditional cleaning methods now adequate? In this valuable new guide, we explain how and why cleaning methods MUST evolve. 


What you'll learn in this guide

  • How COVID-19 changed perceptions of cleaning in offices, workplaces, schools, colleges, hotels and care homes. Why a new approach to cleaning is needed. 
  • What the 7 vital factors for safe and comprehensive cleaning really are. 
  • Why 4-D cleaning is the only way to overcome issues inherent in 'traditional' approaches to cleaning. 


63 % of Newline customers feel the pandemic highlighted the importance of clean air and would like to know more.


Newline provide cleaning supplies, equipment and advice underpinned by a deep commitment to technical expertise, innovation and service. Our goal is to make buildings safer and cleaner for all through innovative cleaning solutions and hygiene standards that are good for people and good for the planet.